Thursday, November 6, 2014

So Just For a Little Fun...

I like doing random posts and today I decided to ask..... you are now the main character in the last book you read (or the last piece you wrote in your story about a certain character) - who are you?
I am Christy Miller and proud of it. Has anyone else read that book? Please comment below! Would love to see who you are! ☺


  1. I would have to say that I am Shastiana. She is a secondary character in my dystopian novel I am working on currently. Secondary yes, but I am really starting to fall in love with her and she seems to struggle with some of the same things that I do! Trust mostly.

  2. That's really cool and I love her name!

  3. Either Bilbo or Frodo, I don't remember. But I think it might have been Bilbo. :)
    ~ S. F.


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