Friday, November 21, 2014

Being Content Where You Are-- Naomi

Maybe you think this goes against what I posted last, about getting ready for later... but I think it kind of goes hand in hand.

Especially if are a writer, this may seem odd, but there advantages to not being published. I know, it may be hard to believe, but there are. Unpublished people (or maybe only me) will tell you that, published people will tell you that... there just is.

1. No dead lines.
Sure, probably most writers have given themselves a deadline. (I mean, it is NaNoWriMo, month of the sleepless writers, right?) but if you don't make it, oh well, it's only you-- and perhaps a few family members/friends who will be disappointed. If you miss a deadline when you have a contract? Well, I'm not speaking from experience here, but I know it's not good.

2. No pressure.
Whether you're self publishing or going the traditional route, there is going to be pressure. You need to do this, you need to do that, oh and you can't forget to write a blog post, what about those interview questions that need answering? and did you ever ask That Author for an endorsement? If you aren't in a contract, or on a personal self publishing deadline, you can do everything at your own pace.

3. No pressure of when your book to going to come out.
Once you get your first book out (Finally!) People are going to want the second one. Whether it's in a series or just a stand alone. People will want it. So while you are trying to have a normal life with school and/or work, spending time with family and friends, you also have to fit writing in (but that's okay, because you did it for the first book, right?) but also editing it, getting it to your agent/editor, and self promotion. And since you are (ideally) more popular now, you will be getting questions from fans.... like, "When is the next when coming out??"

I'm not trying to discourage you from wanting to be published, but now is a good time to enjoy where you are now. Trying to improve but also a good time to be content. (After all, Thanksgiving is coming up... :) )

So, try to improve with a smile on your face-- telling the world you're happy where you are. :)

(Here are some blog post's that I liked that kind of gave me the idea for this, Rachel Coker's Blog post or Tessa Hall's blog post.  Hope you enjoy them too!)

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