Monday, October 6, 2014

Tips to Improve your Blog by Naomi

Today I am going to give you a few tips for improving your blog. (But feel free to ignore them, since some of them I don’t even follow on my blog naomiandbooks … I am trying to be better for this one though.)

Before you start a blog, maybe:
1.       Have a blog subject… you know, like a point for the blog. Whether it’s recipes, book reviews, home renovation tips…. Whatever it may be, have a plan.

I don’t have a plan for my blog. That’s why I sometimes have things titled, “An Updateon my life and Peanut Butter and Jelly”, that’s why I can blog about anything from caramel apples to Bible verses I like. That’s also why I sometimes only do one post a week, or even sometimes, not at all.
2.       Have a schedule. I don’t have a schedule. Which is another reason I don’t blog consistently, or always on the same day.

This you could figure out after you have a blog, but I’d feel like it would be easier if you didn’t.

If you already have a blog:

                Reply to comments. (This is something I actually usually try to do! )

                On one blog, it said to have picture because people are visual. I sometimes do this, but I think they kind of meant more than once a month…

                Once again, being consistent would be a good thing. (Though I did read you’re not really supposed to have two blog posts in one day. Dude, if I wrote two blog posts in one day, I wouldn’t waste one by putting it up the same day! Haha, you put it up a different day and you got two days taken care of. J )

                Editing and rereading your blog posts is probably a good idea… I usually don’t, as it is probably obvious, at least sometimes. I just view it as, “I just wrote this, I don’t want to read it!” J


  1. Thank you for these! I am needing to improve my blog and these are a big help. :)
    ~ S. F.

  2. I'm glad you found them useful and I hope they work well for you. :)


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